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YAS Liquid Polybase Milky White, 13ml

YAS Liquid Polybase Milky White, 13ml

VAT Included

Polybase is a semi-permanent nail polish with reduced flexibility and a strong structure.

It has a medium viscosity.

Small and medium extensions or the modeling layer can be made with its help.

Due to the structure it can be filed.

To avoid lifting, it is recommended to apply the preparation solutions: Nail Prep and Bonder and the adhesion base (Liquid base or Rubber base) in a brushed layer.

Use: the surface of the nail is matted and degreased. Apply the preparation solutions: Nail prep and Bonder, then apply a base layer brushed on in as thin a layer as possible. After polymerization, apply polybase

Polymerization time

In the Led lamp: 1 minute and 30 seconds

In the UV lamp: 2 minutes

It can be used as a modeling layer both over the semi-permanent nail polish structure and over the gel structure to strengthen the nails.

Releases heat during polymerization in the apex technique.

It is removed by filing.

Weight 13 ml

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